Sunday Funday: CDC Says Your Kids WILL Be Poisoned
And there's no way we're gonna fucking stand for it.
The ENEMY is losing power and they’re desperate. I can feel it. It’s happening. It’s not as fast and as dramatic as we’d like, but I can feel it.
Let them expose their sick, democidal agenda for all to see…
But don’t forget…
The power is with us. There are too many of us, if we choose to wield our power.
Remember that.
We highlight hypocrisy. We point out shortcomings. We stand firmly and we speak clearly and loudly.
We give room for change, but we NEVER forget and we NEVER let our elected officials go back on their promises.
And we certainly don’t listen to what the unelected tell us!
Mass Awakening = Mass Noncompliance = Mass Change
There’s no stopping #MAHA, no matter what these muthafuckas try to pull!
Enjoy your Sunday ;)
INHO, when you have a baby have it at home (if possible) with a mid-wife (so no shots) and THEN don't go to a Pediatrician. If you must go to a hospital, then keep saying NO to shots for you and your baby. Learn how to take care of your kids and yourself, especially before, during and post-pregnancy, without a doctor until you absolutely need to! Go to to learn how: Diet for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers.
The What Changed... chart is very powerful. Vaxxes for everything but these exploding illnesses. Hmmm... could that be because they are symptoms of vaxx poisoning, environmental pollution, food bastardization, societal stress? They would be nearly non-existent in a true holistic society.