When will the vaccinated apologize?
When will they apologize for ridiculing us and hoping we would get sick because we’re "unvaccinated"?
When will they apologize for costing us our jobs and job opportunities?
When will they apologize for being sick constantly due to weakened immune systems, thereby threatening our health and wellbeing?
When will they apologize for being full of brain fog, making our jobs more difficult because we have to pick up the slack?
When will they apologize for cutting us off, unfriending us, and acting like we’re lepers?
When will they apologize for endorsing our punishment and imprisonment for being ‘anti-vaxxers’?
When will they apologize for ratting us out, having our social media accounts suppressed and deleted, simply for spreading the Truth?
When will they apologize for keeping us from loved ones and friends, those left isolated and dying in nursing homes and hospitals?
When will they apologize for banning us from public places and spaces where we had every right to be?
When will they apologize for shutting down our businesses and destroying our livelihoods?
When will they apologize for being compliant sheep, forcing people, young and old, to injure and kill themselves for "the greater good"?
When will they apologize for compromising the lifespans and healthspans of so many innocent children and young adults for a supposed virus that posed no real threat?
When will they apologize for regurgitating talking points, believing lies, and lacking the courage and conviction to admit what they’ve done?
When will they apologize for turning a blind eye, pretending like none of this ever even happened?
When will they apologize for being WRONG?
When will they apologize for being witting and unwitting tools in the greatest Democidal operation in human history?
When will the vaccinated apologize?
With all due respect you don't understand how this kind of thing works. A few people will apologize. Maybe a handful. MOST will never apologize. You see the latest propaganda was they are still alive and even if they got covid 50 times after their shots they aren't dead, so their shot helped them. See how that worked. No apology. Plus people in general have issues with apologizing anyway. So... my advice to you is don't hold your breath waiting for an apology.
Don't count on it. They will not admit to being wrong. They have enough to worry about. They are dealing with the negative health issues from taking the vaxx. That's punishment enough. Actions and choices have consequences. 😔