Very good thank you, all great methods. I use ridicule on my WordPress site quite a bit.

It can be worth using something completely different to get a foot in the door. For example food and sodium nitrite which caused me my palsy. It opened up a conversation the other day with a chap at the spa my wife and I attend. He was reasonably healthy,. He said he had a heart attack earlier last year. Of 5 friends he knew in their 50's, 2 had died of heart attacks, the others had acquired heart issues. All had been vaccinated.

My info about sodium nitrite and my experience really interested him so whatever else it was a lead in.


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darn, some of my favorite meats are on that list of sodium-nitrite containing foods! lol sadly it doesn't surprise how long they've known. the sicker we are, the more money for their medicines, and God forbid we're allowed to access natural remedies that make their pharmaceuticals obsolete! all of this is part of the reason I've gotten into intermittent fasting pretty heavily recently. I try to postpone my first meal every day and every few months try for a 2-3 day water fast

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As regards your favourite meats you need not despair but just be wise as it were and seek out the non nitrite/nitrate ones, they do exist. Price is not always a good guide, i.e. pricey doesn't mean they don't use it.

Also it is possible to do your own curing of meats so you can govern what goes in. I have done my own brine cure using fruit for colour and added extra vitamin C. Seemed to work a treat and only a week to do.

The fasting point of your is very well made, it forces our body to detox and you can flush out the toxins with the water of course.

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Iodine and sea salt are excellent for detox too!

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Dulse is a great source of iodine from the sea. Since I have been sprinkling it on my food my T4 levels have normalized.

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Check out the sea salt list worst to best on Mamavation.com. Go to the site and search. Trader Joes seems to have the best pink salt. Ancestral Supplements has an iodine capsule with a little liver powder in it also.

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With absolutely no offense meant to Baldmichael, you may want to do a little research into cured meats, specifically the sites that teach you how to cure your own. Did you know that one serving of broccoli has ten times more nitrates than a serving of pastrami?

Celery is another plant that is very high in nitrates. So high that people who don't want to use commercially produced nitrates use celery powder instead.

My theory on the nitrate slam was a product of people marketing a revolutionary appliance in the 50's; the refrigerator.

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No offense taken. I have researched which is why I wrote my article. I am aware of what you say. If you can read my article you will see what I mean.

The issue is nitro-samines which are highly toxic, the bonding of sodium nitrite in my case to proteins in the meat. The nitrite/nitrate issues in vegetables is different.

I have cured my own ham twice, brine method with no obvious ill effects but I know only too well the issues in cured meats to my cost.

Please do read my post, it explains a lot including the deception of the meat industry who are not interested in our health, only profit.

I would add that the nitrites/ nitrites in vegetables must still be dealt with as excess nitrogen ions will be toxic, but vit C in fruit and veg will help oxidise these out.

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Not sure how to reply to that article, so I will post here;

" I realised that sodium nitrite must block the electrical current which causes the corrosion effect"

My first guess that it sequesters oxygen(?)

Your theory could be tested by adding sodium nitrate to distilled water and then checking it with a TDS tester. I'm pretty confident that it will carry current, hence proving that it facilitates the flow of electrons.

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As regards "sequesters oxygen" whilst my understanding of use of the word is limited I believe that is correct.

I consider the proof of the pudding is in the eating, in this case my experience plus the research I and others have done. and there is the very good book I make reference too.

Look up Wikipedia re sodium nitrite for the anti-corrosion issue.


And don't forget it is the nitro-samines which are far, far worse.

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I can understand that different things have different effects on different individuals.

I have an oxalate sensitivity. It's more common than you think. I figured it out due to heavy consumption of spinach and raw carrots. It's easy to deal with once you identify it.


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"I would add that the nitrites/ nitrites in vegetables must still be dealt with as excess nitrogen ions will be toxic, but vit C in fruit and veg will help oxidise these out."

Ooooooh Weeeeeeer!

Ya, vitamin C is a topic unto itself!

I'm far more concerned about meat that is fed GMO grains than the curing with nitrates, but I am definitely going to read your article.

Remember, C, D, iodine and sea salt!

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Congrats !!!!

You're swiftly approaching Islamic levels of health-consciousness !!!

They dry-fast for an entire moon-cycle every year.

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Regarding your statements on your referenced Substack article:

Laetrile's mode of action is NOT because "it is neutralising the toxins in the body."

The fact that you developed palsy and your wife didn't, and that you ate bacon but your wife didn't, in no way constitutes proof that bacon or nitrates had anything whatsoever to do with the development of your palsy. To make that assumption is an unsupportable logical falacy.

To assume that a tiny amount of something is harmful just because a very large dose is is a logical falacy. Even water will be fatal if consumed in excess.

Sodium nitrite can be converted by gut bacteria to nitrate.

Nitrite and nitrate are natural compounds that are very widespread in nature. Bacteria degrade amonia (present in urine) to nitrite and then nitrate. All plants need nitrogen and can use it only when it is in a form such as nitrate or nitrite. Without it there would be no plants. They are also necessary in the human body as precursors for nitric oxide, an essential signaling molecule with the property of relaxing the smooth muscle in arteries to reduce high blood pressure. It also allows erectile tissue to relax and engorge. (As in Viagra.) It is why nitroglycerine tablets can stave off an angina attack and improve blood flow to the heart.

Your article makes numerous assumptions based in incomplete knowledge that are just wild guesses apparently because they "sound good" or are "common sense"? They are not logical and have no scientific reality behind them. As such your conclusions are false and misleading people. Nitrites and nitrates from food as naturally occurring in plants or the trace amounts in cured meats are essential nutrients that, as precursors to nitric oxide, are very important to health.

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You make some reasonable points Faith, but ignore the differences between vegetables and processed meats. Do some proper research and read the book I mention in my link by Guillaume Coudray.

Yes we use nitrogen as a chemical off switch, N for nitrogen, and as I said (you did read it didn't you?) N2O for nitrous oxide. This is like NO opposite to ON, so NO represents 'off'.

It is toxic, which is why it switches off chemically. Too much as in my case via nitrosamines and neurological problems occur. Simple chemistry.

We use nitrogen in the body structurally in its inert form , but apart from the nerve control as explained we constantly have to deal with nitrogen ions as they are harmful. This is primarily dealt with as excretion as urine which plants will use.

So yes plants use it but I didn't say they didn't, did I?

As regards laetrile this contains cyanide in tiny amounts which will neutralise the nitrites. Simple chemistry.

Your logic is flawed, not mine. It has been known for decades that sodium nitrite in meat is harmful. In small amounts one may neutralise it but nitrosamines are a far more toxic product as I explain.

It seems you made assumptions in reading my article but then you make a habit of that on other matters and jump in with your two front feet without looking properly first. I really do wonder if you bothered to read what I wrote in my post.

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Thank you for your expert analysis.

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Another question in the critical thinkers' column should be "Do the people telling me to take the shot have a conflict of interest?

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Most of my family members I know who were vaxxed just wanted life to be normal again. I think, for many, having your ability to go out and engage in society hampered by lockdowns was kind of soul-crushing. Also, not being able to see people's faces because of mask requirements affected more than our ability to communicate correctly. It affected our ability to read people's facial expressions, which is such an important social cue. It seems like so many of the manipulative things they do to try to control us boil down to one thing--using our hardwired need for human connection against us. It's inhumane and evil.

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Bless you for this. I have been trying to understand this myself for 3 years now. A friend of mine said that she was thinking of giving the shot to her children so they could play sports. She asked if I thought it was ok. She said that she saw it was safe on Fox News and it was probably a coincidence that one of the kids on the team had heart failure.

I became emotional and begged her not to do it. I tried to explain the perils but she got so angry with me that we no longer talk. Her husband had taken the jab so she did not want to hear it. Perhaps with this article I can do better next time.

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So sorry this happened to you. This is the problem we all face, that trying to convince someone not to jab themselves or their kids can often result in nothing more than a broken relationship-- they'll jab anyway and just hate on you (so it would seem) forever more. (I have lost friends and family, too.)

Now when people ask me a question (for example, what do you think of XY or Z?) I don't assume, as I once did, that it's a question they're in any way open to hearing an honest answer to. More often, though they might seem open to a discussion, they're really not: what they're actually seeking is validation for a decision they've already taken, and/or a way of making what I think of as Kumbaya-we-agree social conversation.

In the last 3 years, since the jabs roll out, I've had only one person, a young adult family member who's been 2x jabbed but is close friends with a Kennedy supporter, ask me a genuine question about anything covid. He told me his good friend was against the jabs, and then he asked me: Do you think the jabs are safe? I said, no. "Why do you think that?" he asked. I said, "there are loads of reports in VAERS, and plenty of other information that is being actively censored. In fact, a lot of people have been killed and injured by these injections. The censorship is the tell." He took that in— but then abruptly changed the subject. He has asked me nothing more in the many months since. But he did say he'd stopped taking the jabs at the two. And as far as I know, he's OK.

I have been transcribing testimonies from censored videos since 2021. One of the saddest things for me is that, alas, what seems to wake most people up who took the jabs isn't information, data, logic or anything like that, but a horrific injury or the death of a family member.

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Similar situation. Tired of worrying about those who no longer speak to me so I’ve moved on and continue to make myself harder to kill.

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Wise advice. Thank you.

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Agree 💯

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Thank you. It must be so sad for you to read these stories but your work is a hero’s journey. Bless you for that.

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Thanks for your kind words.

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So true. I only say anything if I am asked. Otherwise they have to live with the consequences of their own actions. The question I have is why they were okay with limiting my rights just to satisfy their fears? Vaccine passports etc. I certainly did not respond this way. Lost a lot of respect for "friends, neighbors and society." My husband said my problem is I gave them too much credit for intelligence and critical thinking. 🤔

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Totally hear you. The Jab Crowers, they're the ones who lost my respect. Re: your question, "why they were okay with limiting my rights just to satisfy their fears?" I agree with your husband's answer, but I would add that, in some cases (not all), the Jab Crowers got a sadistic thrill out it. It seems they'd just been waiting for their chance to feel virtuous while indulging. It truly was evil.

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Sadistic thrill. I hadn't thought about that. It makes sense.

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Sadly, its typical..They don't want to hear an answer that may not validate their position. Out of their own weakness. The kind of weakness that got them jabbed in the first place.

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I really appreciate your perspective about people asking for your opinion...but not often being open to your response. Makes me think of a quote by Erica Jong. "Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer. But wish we didnt."

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Suzanne. The injections transfer to others through bodily fluid. You lost your friend once her husband got the COVID shot.

[starts at 42:30] - gives you an idea what we are dealing with


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I become emotional with this stuff too. I have a jabbed neighbor that is due to have a baby any day now. I want to let her know how I feel. Though she is in medical field and I am sure she already has her opinions. I have been warned by my family to keep my mouth shut.

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I am not going to do anything. I have no control over the health of others, only my own. If 7,883,567,459 people want to get 10 mRNA injections each, I don't give a crap.

It's been like this for the last 70 years or longer whereas big pharma drugs and vaccines have murdered millions and it is still very difficult to prove. We know it is happening, but there is no one proving it is happening. The doctors are too dumb and don't care because another patient always walks in the door to replace the one they just murdered.

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I wouldn't have cared if they hadn't pulled that mandate crap. Heck, tptb probably would have done better if they had just let the gullible keep jabbing themselves until they die of sunk cost stubbornness instead of trying to override any concept of bodily autonomy and informed consent.

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I will never forgive nor forget.

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Great job.

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I think one of the most important questions to ask that was left out is “Why are our politicians exempt from getting the vax?” That to me was the biggest red flag

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Where is their government Contract that they do not have to be vaxxed?

I just thought they got the Placebos.

Start asking your MLA and MP and City and School Board counsellors are they vaxxed and boosted?

No wonder no one in their elected positions have died after being vaxxed.

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The other one is who is doing quality control on this vaccine rollout? How do you know that what you got was what you were told you got? It still amazes me that no one thought to ask that question.

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Since most all of our drugs (USA) come from China this should be asked everyday. I'm researching herbals to replace my needed meds

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From what I’ve read, various random samples of all the available ‘suppliers’

was all over the map. As if to say…

There Is None!

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That's news to me!

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Great article, wise information! I have run into roadblocks many times trying to wake people up about the injections, mostly to no avail. The ones that do listen are a great encouragement, really, a blessing.

It is great to get some wisdom about the psychology of people's resistance to accrpting the truth!

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it can feel like slamming your head against the wall. sometimes you just have to trickle the truth, bit by bit!

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Thank you. I rarely read or hear anything about this or any other subject that can hold my attention beyond a few seconds. You've gotten nearly everything right here.

I attained consciousness long before this most recent and almost universally successful psychological operation. So seeing this one was easy. Meanwhile dealing with the overt mob mentality has remained pretty much impossible.

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I hear ya on that, I've been pretty awake since my childhood!

Probably why most of my peers thought I was 'weird' ;)

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I'm a 65-year-old Englishwoman here in the UK, and have been 'awake' (re. many big subjects in life) for 40-45 years.

I've been trying to wake up my family members and friends all the way through those decades, but unfortunately they've all chosen to ignore the information I've provided them with. The amount of (unwarranted, of course) ridicule and abuse I've received from many of them is just horrific. They just choose to 'believe' what the people on their beloved TVs tell them, and to take everything at mere face-value, rather than carrying out research and thus acquiring the ACTUAL facts/truths.

They're all (overall) very shallow people, and merely want to watch the latest 'soaps' on their TVs, watch the latest sports events, etc. They don't want to think critically, about anything, and think that I'm 'strange' because I DO think critically, they think I'm 'peculiar' because I carry out research into many subjects!!

What a tragedy that the masses are the way they are. If everyone was wised-up, then the horrors of the last 4+ years wouldn't have been able to get off the ground...

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Same. The true horror of the last 4 years for me was realising that 90% of the population are frivolous surface-skaters, concerned only with food, football, shopping and holidays.

I can't be around them anymore.

When they decry mortality statistics as "conspiracy" but not a TV talking head, backed by Pharmaceutical advertising dollars, telling them an untested, experimental injection is "safe" just weeks after hitting the market - it becomes obvious you're dealing with a mentally-challenged child in an adult's body.

They will never understand because they operate on a lower cognitive level. It's like trying to explain economics to a goldfish.

These people learn, not by seeking out information, but only by first-hand, visceral experience (and it IS going to get visceral - the tsunami is only just getting started).

Until then, they're impenetrable.

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Oh wow, what you say is SO spot-on, re. how the masses actually are (more's the pity).

"...a mentally-challenged child in an adult's body", you say. Absolutely!

I chuckled at your analogy "It's like trying to explain economics to a goldfish".

That's exactly how it is!

Yes, unfortunately the situation will only get worse. And then they might just realise that what we told them was the truth... the truths which they chose to reject.

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Christine….yes, most of us who refused had an inner gut feeling…very early on, a friend’s father traveled to the Midwest for work. He died, heart attack….Guess what? His life insurance would not pay out at time because of the wording of his policy….’not covered if an experimented’ (whatever) was used…Boy did that wake some people up…They were very vocal and put that out….

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Hi Nancy,

Yes, I recall reading that online, quite some time ago: that many (all?) insurance companies will not pay out if the person had submitted to these evil injections.

Just goes to show... that more people are awake than people realise. The insurance companies obviously realise what's going on.

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And I think I just heard that to get life insurance policies it all depends on how many jabs!!!! Used to be age…Funny world…

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Professing themselves as wise, they became…. Romans 1:22-32

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Years ago I wrote a droll (and just a little bitter) poem about Catholic high school. It was titled "Try to Be More Like Dave."

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Please share.

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Lucid and articulate, thank you for sharing your engagement strategies.

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this is a great resource. many thanks!

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You're welcome! Feel free to share ;)

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isn't this like asking the injected to admit they've killed themselves? They don't want to see that.

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I can understand how you see it that way, honestly I feel that way at times too. But I kinda compare it to not telling someone they have cancer because the realization will scare them. There are mitigation strategies and things they can do, and I think they have a right to know

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Some refuse to even discuss it. Families & friendships have broken up over this. I have a brother who hasn’t spoken to me in 3 years & recently I had an opportunity to text with him & he told me “I don’t want to hear about your vaccine bull 💩.” So I basically told him that I never rejected him for getting the shot & if he ever wanted a sister again, to let me know.

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sorry to hear that, I know the feeling! Some people were truly bamboozled and can never admit it :/

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I too know the feeling! Have friends and relatives I haven’t seen or spoken to in almost 3 years where prior to the jabs we spoke almost weekly and I hosted them in my home all the time:(

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they just want to bury there head in the sand and hope they are not one of the unlucky ones ,its hard when you had no clotshots to imagine what its like for someone to tell you that you were mugged off and didnt see through the bullshine even though i told you it was all a psy-op and not to be trusted ,they cant accept there new illness is something to do with the jab they had its like them admitting they are a failure and dont listen to anything other than government orders and the media brainwashing ,sad

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Sounds quite familiar

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I just talked to a young man the other day. He said he only took one injection for a job and "I feel fine." I know there are mitigation strategies but I didn't feel right about suggesting or saying anything more. So I just said maybe don't take anymore. The conversation, such as it was, ended. He has a young family, I couldn't say anything more.

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Yes, we need to publish information what to do if vaxxed to clean up the contaminations.

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May 23Edited

I have just erased my opinion because it was too unflattering to the "normies". I will let you guess what I really think of them. Suffice to say, the key is to help them develop both Critical Thinking Skills and a Backbone.

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After leaving school, we can't do other people's homework.

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We are dealing with organized medical cult brainwashing and this is for gain in killing profits.

We can just be a volunteer messenger.

How the victim responds to the message is their choice.

Many medical cult victims do not know how to investigate alternative sources of medical information when the majority of the doctors say the flu and Covid vaccines are safe and tell them to go to the government's web site for proof.

They go to that website and get the same narrative, the lies that the Covid-19 vaccines are safe, effective and if you do get the virus, the vaccine will reduce the sickness.

That's a lie, of course. But they blindly trust their doctor and the government.

The cult victim does not trust or want to believe the messenger, who has nothing to gain, financially for their volunteered message.

Who Gains? The vaccine makers and the doctors will have financial spin off gains in increased sicknesses; and the Undertaker will have increased business, too.

Very sad.

When the News Medias and reporters start sharing the truth facts, the victim will stop their Cult Belief and come out of the brainwashing that the vaccines are safe.

It is very Hard to get people safely out of a medical controlled cult.

We may need cult reprogramming technique skills.

But the victims have a choice to listen or reject something that may prove that they made a mistake, an upset that their local Authorities in health lied to them.

This is when warnings were there from the very beginning of the Pandemic but were lied about. The liar, of course, is Satan.

Hitler too used satanic skills. These skills are being repeated, more so when the people have set aside their belief in Almighty God as the Nation's only protector and for Truth and Justice.

You will need to pray to get people out of medical cult influences.

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Critical Thinkers were "critical" well before the shot roll out. They were critical well before the "pandemic".

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Sounds impossible.

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Great article. But fuck’em. They make their choices and can enjoy the consequences.

If they want to discuss and have a conversation, 100%. But they dont. I owe these folks nothing. They are willfully blind. Fucking cowards. I will keep saying the truth and just do whatever it is I do but until they feel the pain of their choices nothing will get through to them. And that is their right. Who am i to judge them? Just stay the fuck away from my rights and its Shangri-la baby. :)

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This is a very well written article. Thank you!

Unfortunately, like I’m guessing many people here, my warnings to others were not taken seriously. I couldn’t even get some to listen, they would immediately shut me down even when I had valid points/questions. I believe it was mainly done out of fear. They wanted the vaccine to be the cure all and they didn’t want to hear anything that was in opposition to that idea. Still, it was a very weird position to be in. Knowing what was going on but I couldn’t say anything to most people or I had to stop talking about it because the relationship would have ended. Ultimately I had to respect their decision. You’re silenced, reduced to being an observer, watching people you love and others playing Russian roulette with their lives and you’re powerless to stop it. It’s just so incredibly tragic!

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You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Only by people getting up off their own lazy asses, doing their own research, will they reach the truth. Leave them to their own thinking is my way now.

They have made their bed.........

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