Climate Alarmism and the Transhumanist Agenda
Once you understand the tenets of your extermination, it all becomes painfully clear...
There are four foundational pillars undergirding the Agenda to bring us all tumbling down.
In no particular order, you have: Medical Tyranny, AI, Identity Perversion, and Climate Alarmism.
It’s a sophisticated web, made clear through its common threads. Taking them individually, one could possibly make an argument for potential benefits, a bit of a cost-benefit analysis.
But when you view the interconnected lies and deceptions holistically, you see that it’s all bent on one thing…
Transcending the human condition. Moving beyond humanity, turning us all into ‘hackable animals’ that can then be phased out necessarily.
And while the masterminds may present it all as some dazzling techno-dreamscape, in reality, it could not be more opposite.
It’s not the next step of evolution. It’s the next step of eradication. And for those (un)lucky few who persist in this dystopian AI-titrated control grid, it’s not freedom. It’s enslavement.
And Climate Alarmism is a major part of it…
But let’s get one thing clear right away.
The point here isn’t whether human activities affect the planet. It’s whether they affect the planet to the degree we’re told, and whether the self-anointed saviors of Earth actually care about any of it.
Sure, there are many people on the ground level helping their communities become more ‘green’ and ‘sustainable’ - and many love soy.
At best, these people actually make some kind of difference. At worst, they’re useful idiots. But they’re not the architects. And by and large, they don’t have a Malthusian doctrine upon which they operate. By and large, they’re just going along with the thing, showing their lovely virtues and screaming like banshees at anyone who questions.
So let’s dive deeper…
Because what we’re dealing with is as amorphous as our shape-shifting politicians. Climate Change? Global Warming? Global Cooling? Climate Crisis? Climate Catastrophe?
Greenhouse Effect?
Truth is, there have been many names, and with them throughout the years, many failed predictions.
All you need to do is go back through the old headlines and doomsday prognostications to see that the track record is far from good.
In fact, it’s laughably bad. Almost as if these people didn’t know what they were talking about. Almost as if, they were pushing a Narrative they knew to be utter bull…
Let’s start with the declaration of “the population biologist”…
Notice how population control always seems to dovetail with climate concern?
Global Cooling, Global Warming, Which One Is It??
“ALL Will Be Lost”
But I digress, because what matters most here isn’t the ridiculous prognostications and manufactured hysteria that prey on the emotionally vulnerable - no.
What matters most here is the truly malevolent agenda behind this.
Millennials are not having children because of Climate Alarmism. Farmers are being controlled and their livestock eradicated because of carbon footprints and greenhouse emissions. Lawmakers are pushing legislation to ban traditional motor vehicles, limit gas and electric household use, and force people to eat literal bugs.
The people at the top who architect this? They’re “transhumanists,” but really, they’re exterminists.
In many cases, these open depopulationists state their intentions so matter-of-factly that they’re hiding in plain sight.
They want you sick and dependent, or dead and forgotten, but to do that, they first need a convenient excuse. Climate Change is one, and the fertility rates prove it.
After all, why bring a child into a world soon to end?
Identity Perversion is another, as it leads to mental illness, drug abuse, and sterilization/mutilation operations.
AI is a clear one too, as it can quickly in the wrong hands make most people obsolete.
And last but not least, is Medical Tyranny, which aims to not only kill and sicken (thereby increasing Pharma dependence), but also turn our bodies into biohybrid systems of control…
These major tenets of Transhumanism should come as no surprise.
The so-called Elites view us as a “useless class” that must be managed and dealt with. Some of us must be removed, others used and abused.
Now, of course, not all of us will go quietly into the night. That’s why the Plandemic, as ‘simulated’ through Event 201, Crimson Contagion, and The SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028, was implemented.
It gave the blanket excuse to inject the masses with a depopulation bioweapon.
Look at what they’re trying now.
It’s “bird flu” hysteria, which apparently means the culling of countless otherwise healthy animals. Combine this with the draconian climate controls, and you’ve got a recipe for mass depopulation.
Which means less food for you and me. Which means, fewer you and me…
So there you have it…
Whether you view it through the lens of AI, Medical Tyranny, Identity Perversion, or Climate Alarmism, if you think like a bad guy, you see where all this inevitably leads. And, if you view it systemically, you see how all of these threads interweave to ensnare the unwitting masses.
Or, if you prefer another metaphor, like boiling frogs. Turn up the heat slowly so they don’t jump out, and by the time they realize it, they’re already too far gone. You throw the lid on and watch as they boil alive.
The sad thing is, at one point that water felt just right. Comforting. Placating. Like slipping into a warm bath…
But let’s not dismiss the concept of anthropogenic climate change just yet.
After all, man-made climate change is certainly real. Just ask the late, great “Father of Weaponized Weather,” Ben Livingston.
According to Livingston, there was and continues to be an active “plan for weather modification control for the whole world."
Weather weapons are real and if there is every other form of terrorism and weaponry imaginable, from the nanoscale to the macroscale, why not meteorological?
Fact is, our beloved authoritarian Satanic Pedovore Puppeteers know how to manipulate the weather. While the degree of their modification, manipulation, and weaponization is unclear, they can - and will - use the powers at their disposal to push Climate Alarmism.
Just check the patents…
So let’s not sit back and plug our ears and bury our heads and shut our mouths because the world is a whirling dervish of insanity and incomprehensibly dark and twisted truths.
It may take many people a lot of time, effort, and epiphanies to reach similar conclusions. Hell, many people will never reach any of these conclusions. In most cases, not because of an inability to intellectually comprehend, but rather an inability to emotionally comprehend.
And that’s the issue we all face today.
How do we share what is at best inconvenient, and at worst earth-shattering, to others who are so far gone into indoctrination?
After all, who wants to have their entire worldview turned inside out?
Especially when it feels so much safer and nicer and prettier to just pretend it isn’t happening?
But that’s the thing.
It isn’t better. Maybe it feels that way now, tomorrow, and the days that soon follow. But in the long run, in a span of time that should matter to everyone, it’s far from better.
Because in the long run, the people that choose not to speak, listen, or see, will be the first to lose those senses all the same…
Spot on! I will eventually write about the weather modification that turned Helene, a Gulf storm, into a raging monster. Why? Certain "people" wanted the real estate. Those mountain folks will never forget, and after cleaning up their "hollers" they will seek vengeance.
Well done - excellent article. Thank you for pulling together decades worth of hyperbolic headlines among the climate change cartel. Their calculated scams and other systemic encroachments on people's well-being must be exposed.