I used to live next door to an older guy who was a former Marine and NASA engineer, and he told me about working with DEWs back in the late 60's.

One unit they tested was the size of a semi trailer, he said they took it out to the desert and fired pulses into a mesa - and it would burn through hundreds of feet of rock in a fraction of a second.

That was the story anyway. Had some interesting things to say about the moon landings too. Not sure if he was pulling my leg...

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that's fascinating, I bet he saw some crazy shit!

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Speaking of DEW's, this ladies info had me spinning for a few days. It's about 9/11 and the towers.


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She has a website. Drjudywood.com I think.

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Wow, I always suspected this, but it's wild to see it so well explained!

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Just as a warning: There is active propaganda pushing the DEW theory. China is spreading some AI generated images combined with rumors -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1AK4xB7By

Additionally I have seen some other fakery and misinterpretation of images. But lasers can also be pointed upward. Maybe a sign for help?

The fires were weird due to the very strong winds. That keeps the fires lower to the ground and makes it spread. It is like blowing air into a fire, but much stronger.

How they started is something we still have to figure out, but there were also rumors of plain arson. And the police and government handled the situation very badly. Don't let them get away with theories that are hard to proof and may be untrue.

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agreed, I'm sure there is a lot of disinfo.

I'm mostly getting this from the work of Steve Favis - https://www.misterrobots.com/ - and NORAD data.

How do we explain some of the anomalies, especially the blue objects?

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Some examples of blue electrical "fires":



Is that similar? There were quite a lot of short-cuts due to problems with the "green" electrical system.

I had some discussion here about Direct Energy Weapons. -> https://open.substack.com/pub/peterhalligan/p/if-you-like-conspiracy-theories-you?r=1lx0ik&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=40202053

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

Some helpful links on the technology. BTW, there is a DEW installation on Maui run by the US Airforce.


So if it is possible that China had satellites over Maui at the time, it could have been to observe a crime rather than commit it.


The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary


National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976


There are no coincidences folks.

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Very informative! Thanks Frances, just goes to show the level of tech & pre-planning we're likely dealing with

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