PEDO POLS! The UK Parliament - And World - Is Openly Run By Malicious, Demonic "Elite"
Does a Satanic Pedophile Cabal actually control it all?
I want to talk about something close to my heart, which is the exploitation, abuse, and eradication of children and children’s innocence.
A long time ago in a galaxy (not) far, far away, I worked in a public school system. Specifically, I worked with special needs students, nowadays considered ‘neurodivergent.’
I felt a special connection to these kids, oddly enough, because I too had always felt special. Although many of my pupils were dealing with severe developmental and emotional disorders and conditions, I knew that there was something fundamentally similar between them and me.
I felt like I could understand them intuitively, better than many educators decades my senior.
It simply felt natural. And frankly, in the case of many of these ‘autistic’ kids, I always suspected vaccine damage was the culprit.
Then came COVID.
And mRNA.
I was forced to choose, so I chose not to receive the injection, and after being besieged by email after email coercing me to disclose my status or else, I went out with a BANG.
Since leaving the school system - and all things education for that matter - I try not to look back.
Point is, I’ve always liked kids.
So when I hear about the abuse (or worse) of children and childhood innocence, it boils my blood. More than anything, it motivates me to strive to find a way to ameliorate the situation.
At the very least, bring light to the darkness.
Which brings me to the point of this article…
Demons in Human Flesh
Satanism and the ritual abuse, rape, murder, sacrifice, sex trade, and even consumption of children are nothing new.
As crazy as that sounds, it’s been happening since time immemorial.
And it’s not always some barbaric act relegated to twisted evildoers in some damp dungeon. On some level, at some scale, the deterioration of childhood essence has extended to mainstream culture.
Many countries, the U.S. being a prime example, have lost their soul.
Take, for instance, the sale of fetal body parts, a practice more common than most people realize. A practice, apparently, that occurs with alarming regularity because some medical directors just “want a Lamborghini.”
Organ harvesting is simply too lucrative, and in a world seemingly driven by hedonism and saturated with the viscous drippings of materialism, all else be damned.
Sadly, this widespread and booming business is only one symptom of the malevolence that has sunk its tentacles into our institutions.
Merely consider the alarming revelations of “PizzaGate” - mostly scrubbed from the internet - which the media relentlessly ‘debunked,’ even as indisputable emails, photos, and social media accounts confirmed it.
Or how about the world of Epstein (hidden by the media for years) which we still know very little about?
Or, if you’d like to go to a now-admitted scandal, simply recall the rampant child abuse in the Catholic Church. How long has that been going on for?
And then, of course, you’ve got more recent controversies, such as those in the UK Parliament.
Whatever rabbit hole you choose to plumb, wherever you’d like to begin your appalling awakening, there’s no denying that depravity and outright Satanism are a feature of the highest echelons of power and control.
More precisely, these unthinkable realities form the lever of that power and control.
Blackmail. Coercion. Perversion. Human trafficking. Everything heinous under the Sun. And, above all else, the embodiment of pure evil.
Not hyperbole. Not fantasy. Not far-fetched in the slightest.
In the U.K., pedophilia is basically endemic in the Labour Party:
So, is it any surprise that so many of these ‘elected’ officials and perverse pols turn a blind eye when the abuse of minors occurs among their peers or the citizenry?
Is it any surprise that they are more than happy to import incompatible cultures that ravage young girls and boys, desecrating the most innocent and pure among us?
Is it any surprise that certain studies, when extrapolated, indicate that over 250,000 “young white girls” were raped in the U.K. this past century, “very largely by Muslim men… usually raped several times a day for years”?
Is it any fucking surprise?
No, it’s not, and it’s not like all the powerful echelons of society don’t facilitate the highest-profile abusers.
Whether it’s the Prime Minister himself or the vile demon in human flesh known as Jimmy Savile, those who make it to the top, do so for a reason.
The System protects its own.
And ‘The System,’ as it were, is more or less the same everywhere.
Let’s not kid ourselves. This is a global problem, and one that has exploded since the advent of the internet. It’s also a problem that often goes unchallenged because people fear for their lives.
Whether it’s the Westminster paedophile dossier or the seemingly nonexistent “Epstein Client List,” nothing seems to go anywhere. In most cases, perpetrators are let off easy, the big names escape unscathed, and the political theater plays on just long enough to keep the uninformed assuaged until the next scintillating news item wipes their memory clean.
If you do speak up, you disappear.
The System is simply too large and too powerful to challenge…
After all, why go after pedophiles, pedovores, or other deviants who pose a risk to public safety?
From mentally ill rapists on the streets to behind-the-scenes sickos commanding office in their thousand-dollar suits, it’s all a secondary concern. Your elected ‘leaders’ and beloved bureaucrats have other, more important priorities…
In many cases, talking about the problem will get you in more trouble than committing the act!
But don’t tell the FaCt ChEcKeRs that.
So clearly, the world is ǝpᴉsdn uʍop.
Although some leaders appear to be going after these crimes against children (and humanity), most are woefully negligent. And why wouldn’t they be, when they too are complicit in the acts?
When through their silence and willful blindness, they tacitly support these unspeakable horrors?
The best thing we can hope to do is to wield our power as a people, as an intelligent and awakening force of nature, and realize that by our sheer numbers alone, we ultimately have the edge.
Although the COVID Era sheared a lotta sheep, it at least forced many people to face uncomfortable truths.
Besides, what happened when most people finally caught onto the scam? While a large portion of the populace took the jabs grudgingly, many of those same compliers eventually refused when they realized the “vaccine” wasn’t a one-and-done.
When businesses tried to mandate continued injections, many workforces became uninterested in the once-trendy mRNA, and the companies caved.
Call me foolishly hopeful, call me cautiously optimistic, call me whatever you want. But I tend to believe that people are equipped to handle even the darkest of realities, if given the chance to process.
Whether it be a Satanic Cabal that preys and literally feasts on children, or a Satanic Cabal that wants to enslave what little humanity they haven’t democided through a Transhumanist Control Grid, we’ve got to face the issue head-on.
And that’s exactly what I plan to do, whatever tiny ripples in the human consciousness it makes, day by day, so help me God.
You did the right thing by refusing the mRNA death jab.
I am in 100% agreement with you. We must expose and eradicate pedophilia - in all its forms - and the mental, physical, and ritual abuse of children. Nothing matters more than this, of all the collossal issues we face today.
One thing we can do in the US is to spotlight the sneaky bills liberals are trying to legislate that are harmful to children in many different ways. Particularly in CA. No slippery slopes allowed. We are awake!