Jan 26Liked by Eccentrik

It’s disgusting. A college age family member lost a close friend who died at 20 of a massive heart attack last a few weeks ago .. she was jabbed for school .. when I was telling another family member she said “oh, she had to have an underlying condition “ 🤯🤯. I hear that constantly from pro-vaxxer. They are in total denial.. especially the PARENTS who got their kids jabbed for school

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I think underlying a lot of it is fear that they voluntarily did something very bad. The media also makes "long covid" a convenient excuse so the jabbed feel better about themselves and don't question getting the shots

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No one unvaxed gets diagnosed with Long Covid. In fact, it isn’t Long Covid. It is a messed up immune system allowing the person to get sick over and over.

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28Liked by Eccentrik

"No one unvaxed gets diagnosed with Long Covid."

That's not strictly true. For many years people have been experiencing 'long covid' symptoms (fatigue, brain fog, heart arrhythmia, skin rashes, weird buzzing and tingling sensations, headaches etc). They were told they were deluded.

Many of them connected the symptoms to newly installed microwave transmitters (cell towers, wifi, smart meters etc). They were told they were mad and prescribed psychiatric medication.

Today they are believed and shown sympathy, but only if they agree to call it 'long covid' and blame it on 'the virus'.

The effects of the vax have just muddied the waters and made it even harder to point the finger of blame. The vax causes similar symptoms to microwave pollution (both are forms of poisoning). So in a sense the vax is helping to cover up the health effects of wireless technology by creating similar symptoms.

It's like starting a new fire to cover up the evidence of arson.


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For awhile when people were adamantly getting boosted I would say ‘I am sorry. You are going to die. If not this one, the next, or the one after. Too bad. I don’t know why you are doing this.’ That has shocked a few people out of getting boosted. They still maintain they did the right thing. But they don’t get their next booster.

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I hear ya. Sometimes tough love is the only love

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I really appreciate this. The simple truth is probably the most effective strategy.

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26Liked by Eccentrik

I went into a business, the only employee was masked. I asked if someone without a mask was there. There wasn't, I guess. So I left.

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Jan 26Liked by Eccentrik

So good for you. I'm not surprised. A guy I buy supplements from did the same with his high school daughter while she was interviewing colleges. They asked about shots and they walked out if the college's answer was yes, they were required. Lo and behold, she has a little business making organic soap that she has been running for many years. They also are raising their youngest child without any sugar at all and she is doing great as it's mostly what you get used to.

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I still occasionally see the lone driver with a mask. I can't imagine wearing that face diaper most hours of the day - some people's minds are broken!

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The problem runs deep. If you are aware of the vaccine lie, you have to accept that the government has lied to us and is still lying to us. Not in the sense that politicians take our tax money and spend it for their own benefit. We are all used to that. Rather, it means that they lied to us knowing that the vaccine was going to make us sick and kill people. That the government is deliberately attacking its own people. This of course raises several follow-up questions that most people want to avoid.

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it's just too much for most people to handle or fathom

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I had a discussion with a young lefty. I explained everything. He heard me too. His response was the only reasonable response I ever heard. He said ‘if what you are telling me is true then the government is not in the business of helping us. It is actively trying to hurt us. Maybe even kill us. If that is true then nothing I believe is correct. I can’t go there. I really can’t.’

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That isn’t unreasonable. Or, it wasn’t unreasonable two and a half years ago. Now though….if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck….etc.

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He had vax problems. His gf has and had vax problems. He has come around on vaxes. He also has half come around on the lack of benign intent of our governments.

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that's the horror they don't want to face.

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It's called 'killing the creditors'. And it is not governments, but banksters/crime families who are behind it all. The governments are just blackmailed by people like Epstein/Maxwell, etc. If you want to blackmail someone, you only need a child, a gun & a video camera.

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Jan 26Liked by Eccentrik

I still have medical professionals tell me I am the problem. They could fix the jab, if more of us took it and got sick so they can find out why we were getting sick. Yes. That is their logic. Remember their higher IQ?

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I feel your pain. I think people talk of IQ but forget EQ or emotional strength and emotional balance. Many of these 'experts' definitely have a superiority complex, and if they *are* very intelligent, may use that intelligence to rationalize why they're always right.

But as we've seen, so-called intelligence and commonsense don't always correspond!

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What’s the matter with you? You aren’t willing to sacrifice your health and maybe your life to help cure a cold that might or might not exist? You extremist you!

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28Liked by Eccentrik

They usually don't call me an "extremist", but they always question my intellegence with, "Aren't you smarter than THAT; to believe a conspracy theory?" Or " I mistook you for someone of literacy..."

I then scratch my nose with my middle finger and tell them, " Don't fret too much. (Cough! Cough!) I no longer have to assume THAT about you any longer. Good day!" (Sniff. Sniffle. Sniff) And I then offer them my hand to shake in good faith. If they hesitate, then I wipe my hand clean in my crotch and offer it again in the salute of "Zag Hell (sp) Comrade" to them.

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I like to go to crowded public places and cough violently and then hand wave and tell people, "I'm vaccinated, it's fine." :p

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In my 20s I was sitting in a crowded public hot tub with a buddy. Way too crowded. For some reason the bubbles were congregating around me. I turned to my friend and said openly and a bit loudly ‘Oh rats. Look.’ Pointing at the bubbles. ‘I think my sores are festering again.’ Instantly we had tons of space. And about half the hot tub cleared out within three minutes.

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Jan 26Liked by Eccentrik

It's also what people read and listen to. I read about nutrition and don't read much news and none from Legacy Media. I knew about Fauci and AIDS and knew that both father and son Gates were for Eugenics. So I considered the sources.

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Very true, it's just frustrating that more people aren't willing to dive deeper beyond headlines and short clips. Personally, I had an intuitive sense the jabs were bad before I did any extensive research. I guess we're all different.

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At Christmas time I was at a party where some men were talking about Gates being a self-made philanthropist. Well, they quickly changed the conversation after I enlightened them.

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Bill Gates fluked his wealth. IBM made two of the biggest mistakes in business history. Actually the two biggest mistakes, not ‘two of’. 1. They gave away PC technology to the world for free. 2. Bill Gates’ father wrote a contract which said every single PC ever made had to use Gates’ pretty crummy operating system. Because of 1. Computers became uniquitous. Because of 2. BG became the wealthiest person on the planet. It would be like someone inventing cars, wanting a car key and giving one person the only right to sell keys to everyone in the world. IBM was positioned to rule the world and they gave it away.

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Only guys would say that. Most women would follow their husbands' lead. I'm glad you were at the party.

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So that is some pretty impressive writing. Spot on! I must say that we are reaching a point where people who blew a gasket when I posted the truth on my fakebook timeline a couple of years ago are now engaging in dialogue, willing to keep talking after some mighty blunt posts. The fog is lifting but sadly, tyrants seize power with deception then they keep it with force. Not looking forward to that phase. There is no way darkness and evil win though. Not possible.

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We WILL win in the end!

And I agree, people are turning slowly but surely. Sloooooowly but surely lol

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Jan 31Liked by Eccentrik

My mums next door neighbours youngest granddaughter has just had a stroke at 29th s old, those of us who refused the junk jabs were labelled as killers as well.

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we live in Bizarro world

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They’re Just Insecure.

You Would Be Too

If You Needed Lies To Be True

In Order To Feel Good About Yourself.


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Jan 26Liked by Eccentrik

We laugh since we are in FL, when we see an occasional masked bicyclist or motorcycle rider with a cigarette!

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lol I wish I was in FL, I've noticed more masks in my area - I guess cuz the media is saying "covid is surging." I remember seeing an ad for masks with flaps for eating/drinking, I'll have to see if I can find it

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I think there was/is a mind control program running. They complied so willingly and have moved on as if nothing odd happened.

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