Weather Warfare? 99-MPH Firestorms Hit Cali, "Polar Vortex" Flash Freezes Many in U.S.
Natural or manmade, nothing is out of the question at this point...
Now I’d hate to be a “conspiracy theorist”… ;)
But any time something happens that favors known and propagandized agendas, I’d be remiss in not raising my eyebrows.
cLiMaTe ChAnGe
As of the writing of this article, California is currently seeing four raging firestorms fueled by hurricane force winds. Senior meteorologists are saying they’ve never seen anything like it (although ‘wildfires’ in Cali are nothing new).
Perhaps the funniest part to me, however, is seeing these seasoned weather minds asked how all these fires are starting separate from one another. This is certainly not unheard of, but even the highly experienced experts aren’t quite sure how it’s happening in this case.
But you can bet your bottom dollar, it’s alllll natural...
The turbulent winds, thus far, are making it impossible for responders to address the raging inferno. In fact, it’s reportedly so bad that there’s really nothing they can do but hope for the gusts to die down so that more helicopters can dump water…
Now of course, if this was some kind of intentional or, shall we say, modified weather event, what would be the reasoning?
Burning both the homes of the rich and the not-so-rich - what would be the point?
Is this further ‘proof’ that we need to put Climate Change policies in place?
Just a way to seed chaos and seize further control?
Perhaps cause as many problems for the incoming Administration as possible?
Why? For land clearances? To redirect detached populations toward more centralized urban centers of control, a la 15-minute cities?
To justify greater corporate and government dominion? To distract from other more meaningful socio-political issues?
Some users online have even noted strange ‘aerial phenomena’ moving rapidly through the shroud:
Speaking of which, others have drawn parallels to the highly anomalous ‘wildfire’ that occurred in Lahaina, Hawaii. During that period, the fires seemed to jump across long expanses, skipping trees while melting vehicles and reducing homes to ashes.
Oddly enough, blue objects seemed miraculously spared…
But maybe it’s nothing. Perhaps these wildfires are just symptomatic of the mismanagement that has defined California for a very long time now.
Perhaps, there is nothing sinister here, just the common ineptitude of our ‘elected’ leaders…
But what about the crazy cold elsewhere in the country?
With another big wintry storm apparently brewing, should we simply consider this the new norm?
According to Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch, this is more than just another bad storm plowing through. He references something called “chemical ice nucleation” which can convert naturally occurring liquid precipitation into frozen precipitation.
Not surprisingly, a patent for this type of process was filed over 60 years ago.
And it’s not like there aren’t numerous patents for weather modification, manipulation, and weaponization. In many cases, so-called Directed-Energy Weapons (DEWs) are the main culprit.
Heck, we just learned that the U.S. government may have used DEWs on American citizens…
So what do we make of this?
Is it irresponsible to question the purported natural causes of these fires?
Of course not, it’s completely reasonable and frankly, necessary in this day and age.
Especially when you consider the alarming, once-unbelievable history of weather warfare perpetrated on the militaries and populaces of the world for far longer than we could ever imagine…
2030 - 2025 = 5 years to have things wrapped up.
They have to start making it happen.
I'd say it was the same situation with all the hurricanes this year in FL, NC and other areas.