The COVID Era saw a strange period in history, a mindless stretch where many of our fellow citizens who had once championed ‘body autonomy’ and ‘personal sovereignty’ suddenly demanded that both be forgotten.
Suddenly demanded, that is, that they have sovereignty over yours.
Immediately, the explanations swirled as hair-brained rationalizations infected the masses. Sometimes, if you zoned out in a public place just long enough, you could actually hear the parrots squawking…
But for those of us who did push back, the refrain was simple: let me worry about my body, and you about yours.
Of course, this was always an oversimplification, because even if you didn’t receive the “safe & effective,” you’re still subject to shedding and whatever else is incubating in the bodies of the mRNA-injected.
Nonetheless, I believe the notion of ‘pure blood’ is valid.
After all, it will always be a relative term, especially in an ecosystem suffused with bioweapons, intended or not. But to say there isn’t a marked difference between somebody who received no jabs and somebody perpetually ill and 8 jabs deep is just asinine.
For us conspiracy realists, the choice was readily clear. While others feared COVID, we saw the period for the unique opportunity it was.
It was time to truly take health and wellness into our own hands. In many cases, the simple things. Touching Earth, getting sunlight, breathing fresh air - all the fundamental things that the COVID Architects conspicuously attacked.
And if you were anything like me, you probably said more than once, to the ashen faces of the COVID-cornered: “I’ll be fine, I have a strong immune system.”
But little did I realize then how silly that was to say…
We’ve long been told to ‘boost’ the immune system, to strengthen it, to support it. The presiding medical model presupposes that the immune system needs to constantly be fortified and toughened, so much so that you require dozens of injections in the first couple years of life.
Nature can’t do it on its own, The Science™ tells us.
And you certainly can’t do it on your own, helpless little pleb…
But, of course, that’s all hogwash. If you take a step back, you see that the entire Complex is built on convincing us, the populace, that we are inadequate, incapable, indolent individuals.
We can’t fix our health and we shouldn’t bother - we should outsource our higher thinking and greater intuition to The Experts™.
It’s all bullshit.
Truth is, you don’t need a ‘strong’ immune system. What you need is a smart immune system.
But They manipulated that too.
For many, mRNA represented this smart, cutting-edge, new-fangled thing that couldn't possibly be flawed because it was the product of the infallible geniuses who were working for the common good and finally made the breakthrough that could save us all from the oh-so-terrible disease.
And then there was the ‘strong’ side.
For many people, having a ‘strong’ immune system is like a badge of honor. But what they have isn’t necessarily all that more powerful or robust - just more adaptive.
After all, why bring a bazooka to a knife fight? Sure, you might take out the baddies, but you could take out your own side in the process.
Again, what you want is an immune system that is intelligent, that remembers how to exactly deal with those opposing forces in the most efficient way possible.
And speaking of a smart immune system, the connection between your natural defenses and your actual brain is likely more intimate than we could ever appreciate…
Nonetheless, many people are convinced they need to have a ‘strong’ immune system, so they boosted it to the hilt because - heck - the battery’s depleting.
Amazing isn’t it? Big Pharma basically created an Immune System By Subscription service…
And while an ‘intelligent’ or ‘smart’ immune system sounds great, let’s not conflate that with the ‘smart’ tech the mRNA acolytes worship, tattooing Big Pharma’s intrusion on their arms like branded cattle.
But is any of this surprising?
It doesn’t take deep research to see that we’ve been trained to think about immune systems in all the wrong ways. How many people - after receiving their COVID jabs - proudly remarked about being ‘as sick as I’ve ever been’?
Is that normal?
‘Boosting’ and ‘vaccination’ in general are built on the idea that you’re too weak. Too incomplete. It’s all about the idea that you need an external intervention to fix your broken system.
How’s that going?
Well surely, it’s just happening to an insignificant number of people, so…
At the end of the day (or start of the apocalypse), you don’t need to be an ‘expert’ to see that this is a very, very bad thing…
A boosted immune system can go into overdrive when you least expect it, blowing itself up to combat relatively harmless substances when it should be focusing on others.
Allergies much?
How about low-grade chronic inflammation, which is the main cause of all major diseases and ailments?
Or maybe a little ‘autoimmune’ disorder? Where your supercharged immune system rips itself to shreds like a dumb brute slamming his head against a brick wall?
Nothing like a little antibody-dependent enhancement, or immune escape, or cytokine storm to get the party started!
Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?
And then, of course, you’ve also got tissue damage, organ rejection, cancer, constant infections, and the list goes on…
No, what I want is not a ‘strong’ immune system artificially boosted by God-knows-what in some democidal maniac’s mystery injection juice.
What I want boosted is my immune system’s IQ.
I want my T and B cells to recognize future pathogens and attack them with lethal exactitude. I want immune cells that seamlessly process signals, using a cost-benefit analysis before triggering a potentially devastating inflammatory response.
I want communicating cells that intelligently synchronize their activities for goal optimization (i.e., eliminating pathogens).
I want swarm intelligence, I want self-organization, I want self-regulation, I want autonomy.
And not the autonomous, self-assembling nanoweaponry type.
From pattern recognition to cognitive immunology, give me the good stuff!!
Give me the stuff that I can get through the easy, simple, tried-and-true, time-tested ways.
You know, through stuff like food. Actual food, not frankenfood. Through high-quality supplements. Through things like fresh air and sunlight. Through things like nature and exercise. Fasting. Breathing. Sweating. Grounding. Living.
But perhaps I’m old-fashioned.
Perhaps, it’s a fool’s errand to want to live the natural way - whatever that is anymore.
After all, who am I to defy the almighty Demigods among us?
Who am I to push back against those who decreed that we shall enter the future of their choosing, and like it?
Maybe a decent comparison is how shining some light on a object can help, but blasting light on an object effectively blinds us and prevents us from even seeing the object. I think of this every time my neighbors 300 watt bright white 'safety light' suddenly comes on, (due to motion sensor) and blinds me while I am walking up my own driveway. What's safe about being blinded, and made to look down, right?
Excellent post!
"I'll be fine, I have a strong immune system."
Guilty of that response to anyone asking why I'm unvaxxed.
When I read "I want communicating cells that intelligently synchronize...", I instantly thought of the late George Carlin's "Germs".