Sep 6Liked by Eccentrik

Mega dose C by bowel tolerance for all viruses. doctoryourself.com and in all books written by Andrew Saul, Linus Pauling, Abram Hoffer et al. http://www.doctoryourself.com/omns/fra/v05n07-fra.pdf

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linus pauling's findings on megadosing are very interesting, it's amazing how we have all we need but 'The Science' wants to hijack what nature intended

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Sep 6Liked by Eccentrik

You got it and all for drugs!

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BRILLIANT --- Bravo!

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appreciate that!

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Eccentrik

.....but the 'climate alarmism' - NOT theirs, though - is ENTIRELY justified; MORE than ENOUGH evidence that our ecosystem, NEEDS to be SOMEhow BOLSTERED - within NO more than a DECADE (if BEST-case estimates for FULL effects arriving by 2050, ARE correct.....please WATCH these three explanatory videos - FIRST two, FIVE minutes long at most; third, nine TIMES them and, LET's start SERIOUSLY talking ABOUT it; DON'T let THEM dictate the narrative.....) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM1xU72DtBI

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....this, FINALLY reveals the 'WHY'; 'how' (GALACTIC evolutionary-process dynamics; ECHOING as to which Weninger alludes, a FIRM belief by MULTIPLE ancient cultures that this solar system actually REVOLVES around SIRIUS.....) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsEgiTXjIWg&t=41s

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interesting that our ancient ancestors seemed to have captured a lot of this in their petroglyphs...

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C J Hopkins would be proud of you.

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haha if only I could measure up

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Someone needs to make the meme with the Uncle Sam figure pointing with the caption of YOU are the Carbon they want to Eliminate...

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I live out in the country, not far from the ocean, and I witness the pollution daily; how people discard their garbage cavalierly; illegal damping in the forest; plastics everywhere, slowly suffocating nature and seeping into the ground water; idle trucks spewing fumes and more. The ocean is rising rapidly, each year gnawing 10 meter from the shoreline. My friends, the earth is ailing, not matter how hard some people deny that reality. So yes, let's shrink our numbers, and hopefully land softly. Continuing with our never-ending expansion is bound the end in a catastrophe.

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how do you propose we "shrink our numbers"?

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10 meters per year "gnawed" from the shoreline? You're a complete imbecile if you believe that!

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Please - WATCH the 2-3 videos to which I've linked further 'back', to learn what's REALLY happening.....

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