Jun 20Liked by Eccentrik

Most of the vaxxed I know were mental basket cases before the shots. Now their mental decline is complete. I moved as I couldn't stand to around them anymore.

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Jun 21Liked by Eccentrik

My father developed cognitive issues shortly after the vaccine and now he has full blow alzeimers.. super sad and while I entertained the mRNA shot could have been the root cause, I couldn't entertain it because I failed at convincing my parents to not get the shot.. they got them all, and the boosters. My mother's personality has changed and I feel she too is suffering from significant cognitive decline as well. Quick to anger, irrational, and not herself.. Could be old age but this is something that may have played a part in the acceleration of it all.

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Unfortunately, many people going through the exact same thing! Problem is, the denial of so many (those affected and the doctors they visit) is contributing to the silence and ignorance...

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So very sorry to hear this . . . Can't imagine how hard it is to watch this preventable decline.

However, do NOT hold yourself responsible. You did what you could ~ and they made their own decisions.

FWIW, I have to fall back on this recognition myself, time and again, since my adult son got jabbed twice AFTER he already had C-19 and was immune, simply because he was afraid of getting C-19 again . . . . (sigh)

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Jun 20Liked by Eccentrik

They hate us.

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Jun 22Liked by Eccentrik

So this (mental instability/debilitation) is definitely a thing, for vaccinated as well as those who got tagged with Covid without a vax, however it happened. Now what to do about it? I know of various therapies, but have not seen consensus. For what it's worth I have seen some success from nicotine patches, and believe that MMS and other blood oxygenation techniques like nebulized peroxide are also helpful. Recognizing the problem is the first step, but once known we can turn to finding treatments.

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I've been seeing a lot on bromelain + curcumin + nattokinase, as well as FLCCC protocols, but I'm not sure how they address neurology symptoms in particular

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Jun 20Liked by Eccentrik

The Resident is a great person to speak of Alz since he has it already. He probably didn't take the shot, but should have!

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