Sep 29Liked by Eccentrik

A good friend of mine went to the ER 2 weeks ago with trouble breathing, chest pain. ER found nothing wrong with his heart, told him to get a Covid test and vax and it would fix the issue. He refused both, so they sent him home with a steroid inhaler. 2 days later he was back in ER, could not get a good breath, had to stand up all night just to breathe. They admitted him to do more tests, he coded middle of the night. They did CPR for 30 minutes, got him breathing again. Sent him out on Medivack flight to a large city, he never recovered consciousness, passed away a few days ago. Medical results from the big city hospital? He had 2 liters of fluid around his heart that was completely missed by the ER. Putting him on the medivack flight killed him. Are there consequences for this medical malpractice? None whatsoever. Who could even begin to afford legal help to pursue going after a conglomerate?

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that’s awful - they actually missed 2 LITERS??

I can’t believe what’s happened to the medical establishment (well actually I can, that’s the sad part)

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Sorry 🙏

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Sep 29Liked by Eccentrik

And yet the criminals are still breathing. 😮‍💨

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I know of Haviland's work - he is great.

I know of campbell's work - he's a paid shill asshole. The recent "turn" on the vaxx is for cover.

Medicos not speaking up or continuing the cabal's work rather than be fired - tells you even before this what money-grubbing filth they always were.

When I went to doctors, my GP was great (for an allopathic), methodically ruling out possibilities to get to a diagnosis. Then of course, most of the solutions were a prescription, but occasionally something homespun. He has a modest house and maybe a Volvo. He's not a money-grubber, but is totally captured by pharma. It's been years since I've seen him but I'm sure today he would tell me to get vaxxed and boostered. It's a lost profession.

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I agree about Campbell. When he goes into this mindset of “losing your job” theory…that just confirms he is not honest with himself.

Also, when he talks about “their mortgage payment” BS…it’s like he’s making excuses.

Right now, screw their lifestyles and screw their jobs. Millions are hurting and people have lost their family members.

They are cowards and care less about the victims because they got it all!

A great car, a beautiful home, etc, etc, etc. screw that…do what’s right for humanity and within yourself!

Have a clear conscience even if you have to start over. You’ve got your health and trust in yourself and God!

The excuses are why we can’t get anywhere to take these bastards to court.

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Sep 29Liked by Eccentrik

Great stack👍

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All Jedi please email this to constructioncodes@buildings.nyc.gov copy the specific zombies at bottom and any injected police, doctors, congress, military, government workers anyone,...the public

To whom it may concern:

Please be advised that all of your covid experimental mNRA injections, 5G, energy laws, codes, rules, policies, procedures, and regulations are unconstitutional and are self-destructive. Do not follow orders from the people that made you self inject poison or be fired. We love you. Many of the people who took the COVID-19 experimental gene therapy are very sick or have died. We love you and need you to watch these video links.

If you want to save yourself, family, and country, please watch the following videos and stop complying with unconstitutional orders. Report corruption to save our children and families:

Todd Callender, Attorney Odette Wilkens, and 5G dangers in New York City:


Drink Chlorine Dioxide to save yourselves from the Covid mNRA bioweapons:







If you hear this message of love ❤️ please share with three other people. May God bless you 🙌 🙏 🇺🇸


Corruption should be reported to: https://www.nyc.gov/site/doi/report/report-corruption.page


Heavy metal detox masterpeacebyhcs.com with link https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=11225

All Jedi please Copy
















Todd.callender@cotswoldgroup.net, Lisa@vaxxchoice.com, melissa@vaxxchoice.com

Add anyone else you want

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29Liked by Eccentrik

.....don't know if you SAW it yourself yet but, George [Webb] asserts (can't remember now if was speaking with Peter Duke or Andy Dybala, earlier this year) such formations are CLEAR proof of an ANTHRAX aspect to 'CoVid'; the jabs, Eccky - while his reporting about THAT biologic (modified & otherwise) dates back WELL over a decade, while as I may have noted, got information NOT long after he passed away (2-4 years) that my own brother's 1998 experimental injection for a brain tumor (astrocystoma, if I'm not mistaken) LIKELY relates TO same (again, spore's outer shell is HARD for 'blood-brain barrier' agents to disintegrate - one of the FEW materials) and thus IDEAL for transporting REPURPOSED G[lyco]P[rotein]120 / 'SPIKEY' to acutely-affected sites.....)

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I think Campbell has redeemed himself after pushing the jab and he has covered lots of topics that others keep running from. Especially giving Tom a show on the clots.

Anyone who is still holding a grudge is living in a glass house because no one is perfect.

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