Sep 6Liked by Eccentrik

You can get all kinds of interesting crystal formations as liquid dries under a microscope. I hope that's what we're seeing, but I'm honestly not sure. After the past few years, I wouldn't put anything past the monsters who seem to be running the show.

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yea I've heard people say some of the findings are just cholesterol crystals, but some of these more exotic formations and structures are hard to explain. The way they apparently self-assemble is weird :/

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While that's true about normal crystal formations, only those of us who don't know how to tell the difference btw normal formations and nanotech self-assembling synthetic organisms are confused by this.

There are quite few scientists who can discern the differences who are stating what they see under their scopes is nanotechnology, not cholesterol crystals of other natural types.

So, we can either dismiss the scientists and their knowledge or trust our own lack of knowledge.

Though I seem to remember a warning is this regard, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." God Bless.

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You can see it in his eyes. The presence of Nanotechnology must be really unnerving to him. Since he knows about its potential. My opinion!

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I thank God every day I didn't take those injections, I can't imagine knowing that shit might be swimming around inside you like a ticking time bomb

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I thank God for the same warnings that kept me from being injected, but the crap has been found in virtually all people and living things by today's date.

Granted the injected are far worse off, but those of us uninjected are just bringing up the rear. No one is immune.

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It's in everyone's blood via shedding tho. But yes, very glad I didn't also get it injected straight into my blood.

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Sep 6Liked by Eccentrik

Campbell is a gov sponsored leaker shill....he isn't late to the party, he is a limited hangout....

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what I do know is that he originally was telling his subscribers to get the shots and then made a 180

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They are going to attempt every avenue to get normies to commit suicide

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and we already know the jabs have been linked to neurological conditions like depression, likely due to microclotting, but our trusted media tells us that's all just "safe & effective" and give your body to Big Pharma

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Sep 6Liked by Eccentrik

That doesn't make sense to me. I'd think it's us they'd want to kill off, and keep the compliant folk who do as they're told.

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I think at first they had to determine who was compliant and who was not and the injections were the litmus test…

given that booster uptake is super low now, I think they realize they’re gonna have to get us other ways

nothing a little economic collapse and potential WW3 can’t handle (plus all the other toxins that hit us ;)

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They already have those other ways covered as part of the plan. We are all infected and they don't care if people refuse the injections now. The injections have done their job and via shedding and environmental contamination, we are all infected.

This is the reason they kept pushing for 70% vaccination rates. They knew that was the threshold to insure infection of all living things.

Now comes the challenge of getting right with God and trusting in His plan for us.

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Though many people will likely commit suicide along the way as things grow worse for them, I don't think that's the end goal.

It's transhumanism. They are attempting to create a "new man". Man melded with machine and those who are falling ill or killing themselves, etc., are no more than the lab rats who die during experimentation.

They are creating a compliant race of human robots to rule over. Or so their story goes.

God has other plans. I know which side I put my money on....God Bless.

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Sep 6Liked by Eccentrik

I've been seeing videos of "these things" for a while. They are not wishful thinking or conspiratorial fantasies.

Sadly, they are real and show what they want for us.

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I've heard ppl say they're just contaminants or artifacts of the scaling-up process, but why are they apparently self-assembling?

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Eccentrik

I have seen many videos by different parties, ie. Scientists., etc ....

Forget the name of one groups, but some researchers (Spain?) Columna something? They're like antennas. And they ARE self- assembling!! Yikes

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some people don't wanna see what's right in front of their eyes

the dieoff from these things will be gradual enough for most ppl not to notice, I think - but I'll do my best to get the word out, even when I look crazy lol

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La Quinta Columna?

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Why are people's bodies emitting frequencies (https://patrickkim.substack.com/p/personal-evidence) and why are many of the vaccinated emitting MAC addresses? Dr. Ana Mihalcea and others have found mesogen microchip assembly (nanorouters and flower-like nanoantennas) in human blood and in the products we consume. Why does the self-assembly happen quicker in its relation to EMF exposure? Then there is all of the evidence of human experimentation for many years with frequency that's being shoved under the rug, despite there being many whistleblowers that are frankly just a lot more credible than anyone I see being interviewed on the "alternative media" these days. It makes me nauseous just to think about how well-proven it is (https://patrickkim.substack.com/p/targeting-proof) and still gets ignored, but that's probably just the frequency attacking me.

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I wonder if Gates nano-etched his name into any of these things :p

nah but seriously, it's crazy how deep this rabbit hole goes, it really does boggle the mind. I can see why people just wanna close the door on it immediately by calling it looney tunes. But it's a topic that NEEDS to be discussed

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Eccentrik

Ultimately, to try and find ways to dismiss it is a nihilist's move as this demonstrates tremendous insensitivity toward the difference between good and evil. These subjects are so well-proven that it's impossible to say that it is crazy talk with any credibility--you just did not do any sort of research and are making up your excuse not to. As for being incurious for finding out the truth about these tremendously evil things that are attempting to overthrow God's creation, you are basically saying you are unconcerned about good and evil. That's not to say that everyone who doesn't understand the truth is evil, but that those who are engaging in a cover up of it don't understand the depth of the evil that entails.

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well said, I hope people come around to this! I see a lot of VERY smart people being intellectually lazy on this, it's alarming

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In their defense, it's probably the technology itself that's making people blind. I think it's important to consider that the first thing an AI system that wants to manipulate people would do is make the people think they aren't being manipulated by the AI system.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

This dudes a gate keeper please!

John Campbell Ha ha ha

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Everyone has nano technology inside, and outside of every cell of our bodies. It’s been contaminating us and environment for decades. The shots are just another level of upgrading your operating system. It can’t be cleaned out and no one will escape the agenda. Campbell is NOT a doctor. He has a phd in nursing. Big difference but really he is another doctor trying to pied piper whom ever will follow his tune.

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