Excellent! Thank you for this compilation and your fabulous writing style that makes it so engaging.

In case you haven't seen this, I recommend it:


And of course, RFK, Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci."

Fauci deserves to rot in hell, and I don't doubt that one day he will!

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thanks Bianca, I gotta check that out!

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May 26Liked by Eccentrik

The @ashole killed my friends little brother. He had hemophilia and got tainted blood. He got AIDS and then Falsi's AZT to finish him off. He died at the tender age of 21, not really yet having a chance to live. But Jason was just one victim of many, many of Falsi's victims. Nice to see the world now has finally figured out who Falsi is. I hope he is behind bars before he dies.

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sorry to hear that! the death toll is unfathomable

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May 26Liked by Eccentrik

And no reporter ever asked the obvious question about the Fauci flip-flop on masks. Never. Simple question: “What was the evidence that changed your opinion? “

Simple, clear question

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the evidence is probably somehow, hypothetically, theoretically, maybe, possibly, perhaps $$$$

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May 28Liked by Eccentrik

Given everything Dr. David Martin has proven in writing why are we not talking about the real mass murderers in all this. The DoD, DARPA, HIH, ECO-Health Aliance, University at Chapel Hill, Peter Daszak, Big Pharma? And many more. And he proves it in writing. I file this article as truth, but with the caveat that it is, look here not at the real culprits.

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true, a complex web of so-called medical establishments, intel agencies, academic institutions, and more... who knows how far up this goes - what role do the world's most powerful families and other non-elected parties hold?

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Fauci is another poison dwarf, worse than the first.


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I want to hang him on a tree, not a Christmas tree obviously ;)

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I agree. Fauci is perhaps the worst mass murdering criminal in history.

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Most prolific serial killer of all time, Dr. Anthony Mengele Fauci


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I can imagine that this monster would have rather used his middle fingers in the photo......A great be "F" U to everyone who wasn't following "The Science"....

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May 26Liked by Eccentrik

Well laid out bro, I like the way you put things together and across.

This scumbag must be tried and punished commensurate of the numerous crimes against humanity that he committed.

He was instrumental in 1000's of deaths, including suicides because of his doom and gloom media appearances. He laughed and thumbed his nose at people all across the world and lied under oath to protect himself and the cabal he works for.

The People will have their day with this upright walking turd.

Ne Obliviscaris.

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