Sep 9Liked by Eccentrik

Apparently nicotine (I make my own tincture og) does help in ways but it's not a complete solution. See recent work of Dr. Milhacea's substack, which she did post after La Quinta columna's recent work on nicotine as well.

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I actually just subscribed to her

what a great resource she is, can't believe I hadn't found her Substack sooner!

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Sabrina Wallace is further than her. Dr ana works with her….

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......there is a FAR more PRACTICAL, desirable EXTERNALIZED chelating means of decontamination - that can be REPEATEDLY used, Jacquelyn - HOPING to get a prototype with SIGNIFICANT structural and COST-reducing revisions, SOON (it's URGENT now.....)

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Eccentrik

I have been interested in the nanotechnology aspect since it was first reported. I do not understand why taking an intelligent interest in a new and experimental field should result in such violent attack! Investigating a subject with an open mind is not the same as being credulous. I refuse to have my curiosity censored, as if it were dangerous. This reaction tells you a lot about the people who are trying to shut this subject down.

The articles I have read on nanotechnology state that the extremely small size of the particles means they respond differently to physical laws that apply to normal sized objects.

There is also the concern about environmental pollution by these unnatural substances. If there is nanotech in the injections, it has got into the sewage, soil, and seas already with unknown consequences.

This also raises the point that nanoscale devices will disseminate into the environment and other animals. Are they going to be tracked electronically too? How do you target this stuff in a world where all materials are constantly breaking down and being rebuilt and recycled in tissues.

I do not know whether nanotech devices are feasible, but it is clear there has been much funded research into trying to make them so. If there are nanoscale objects in the injections, this does not mean they are functional. They could just be "nanoscale toxic junk". They ought to set off immune response and inflammation.

But shutting down discussion will not lead to any resolution of this.

I wonder why the "no virus" people are allowed to flood the internet with what I believe to be rubbish claims, when nanotech gets immediately attacked?

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I agree with you 100% - "Investigating a subject with an open mind is not the same as being credulous."

It's been amazing to me how many people on 'our side' are now the self-anointed gatekeepers of what kind of information is discussed and not discussed lol they're just unreasonably worried that this is all well-poisoning to make the movement look bad

but I'll say this... I think the term Youngmi Lee uses, "“biohybrid magnetic robots” is actually the smartest. All the videos, pictures, etc. I've seen of these things assembling, growing, and replicating, they seem to possess *some* natural biological properties as well as qualities of EMF automatons.

but I guess I'm just a crazy fool :p

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There's another all important connection,https://stop5g.cz/us/recent-posts/

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It's hyperdimensional quantum alien technology,now we really go deep down the rabbit hole with this website that I have been reading for months, loved the redacted videos,they reach a big audience.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Nanotechnology

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Hola currer!

So, you investigated virology with an open mind, then saw its claims are correct, and then you coherently discard the claims to the contrary as "rubbish."

I am so lucky to have found you. Please, explain exactly what evidence convinced you that pathogenic viruses exist and that they do cause disease in humans and that disease is contagious from person to person.

I need your evidence so that I can present it to my friends and free them of their errors. Isn't one of the most loving things one person can to liberate another person of the chains of his misconceptions?

You are exaggerating about flooding the internet. No Virus land is pretty small. Censorship is off the charts.

However, it seems to me that these nanotech speculations are much more widespread than the arguments of the no-virus crowd. The yellow journalism of the whole shebang is very blatant and that sells a lot. Fear is a favorite dish of millions of people.

But the no-virus crowd are selling the opposite of fear, which is clear thinking. This does not sell as well, don't you agree?

With respect to the attacks: don't step in the kitchen if you can't stand the heat.

Or, said more diplomatically, vigorous debate is the best treatment that an open-minded researcher can receive, and every critique should be received as a blessing that only elicits joy and thankfulness.

Disagreement is not an insult. An insult is an insult.

A critique to a claim or a method is not an attack to the person. An attack is an attack.

I think it's evil to psychologically abuse people with lies designed to cause terror.

That's not a critique of an argument. That's a judgment. A condemnation of actions of people. It's not an argument. But a critique is an argument. Judgment of actions and critiques of arguments are not the same.

Perhaps some people who feel affected by that judgment are hiding something. Or perhaps they are not hiding anything, they are just afraid because they don't know how to defend their claims or they fear that others discover they re not open-minded.

But I haven't accused anyone of anything yet. I have just described what a judgment is, and some people already feel attacked or guilty.

I don't see, in all these years, anything that is not presented in a misleading appearance, about this topic.

And upon closer examination, removing all the crap, I think the precarious arguments for nanotech in the covid shots are flawed and fail because they aim at presenting necessary and sufficient conditions to show this is real, but there are other explanations available, so there is no necessary link, and it's not clear that the arguments, assumed as true, are sufficient to cause what they are supposed to cause.

It's all very weird.

It sounds like rancid environmental activism, which leads no where, as decades of experience show.

But don't let mere opinions cause you any emotional harm. You are not being gatekept by me. I have exactly zero authority over you.

Have you never thought you may have been seeing what you want to see?

Why is it necessary to insert some kind of object in a human body to control it from the outside, remotely? Is that an assumption you are making in all this debate?

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this intrigues me... but I'm not well versed on the opposing positions... so what's the main argument against mainstream virology? And for it?

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So, you turn the tables on me! but I asked first! LOL!

Virology is a science or pseudoscience (opinions vary) that claims that there is such thing as a pathogenic virus.

Here is one definition of the term "pathogenic virus":

"A small parasite consisting of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) enclosed in a protein coat that can replicate only in a susceptible host cell"


The argument is that this type of parasite has never been proven to exist.

One of the worst counters to this is that science cannot prove anything. Believe it or not, many very smart people say that, and many more pretend to believed it.

All sciences need one object of study. If the object of study does not exist, then it is not a science.

Another bad argument against this contention, is that the no-virus crowd need to propose an alternative theory to explain disease. Obviously this is a reversal of the burden of proof. Not a valid argument.

But, the toxemia hypothesis is sometimes given as a temptative explanation for disease, and for the appearance of contagion. I don't think that explains everything, but it explains quite a few things.

If some viral diseases are better explained by mere poisoning, then it's easy to ponder this question: do the authorities talk about viruses to cover up massive cases of poisoning, and elude responsibility?

This question belongs to the realm of reporters, detectives and judges, not so much to scientists.

It's astonishing to read the many kilometers of text written about this. All the attempts at viral isolation have failed. The Koch postulates fail for viruses at step 1. They are simply assumed to be there, and then continue with experiments, quarantines, mass culling of domestic animals and other criminal activities.

It's a modern myth. Very useful and very profitable. And it's essential for politics, to control migration. Both the radical open border thinkers and the radical anti-immigration thinkers refuse to even consider that the whole thing is utter bullshit. Perhaps they always knew, and they just play their assigne drole in the play of globalist politics.

But it's very important to realize this: diseases are real, and people are not allowed to find cures because of this insanity.

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What are the "rubbish claims" from people challenging the field of virology?

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is of a scale, speed and complexity that is unprecedented. It is characterised by a fusion of technologies – such as artificial intelligence, gene editing and advanced robotics – that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological worlds. It will disrupt nearly every industry in every country, creating new opportunities and challenges for people, places and businesses to which we must respond.

"Blurring the lines" is present tense. G.E.


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I don't think AI use exploding around the same time as all this is any coincidence...

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Pfizer has collaborated with Israeli researchers in the field of DNA origami, a cutting-edge technology that enables the design and construction of complex structures from DNA molecules. In 2015, Pfizer partnered with Prof. Ido Bachelet’s DNA robot laboratory at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. This collaboration aimed to develop innovative DNA molecules with characteristics that could be used to “program” them to reach specific locations in the body and carry out pre-programmed operations.

The partnership was significant, as it marked Pfizer’s first cooperative venture with an Israeli higher education institution. The company saw potential in DNA origami technology, which could potentially lead to breakthroughs in drug delivery, diagnostics, and other areas.

While there is no direct connection between this DNA origami research and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine development, the collaboration demonstrates Pfizer’s interest in exploring innovative technologies with Israeli researchers. This partnership highlights Israel’s reputation as a hub for biotech and life sciences innovation, with many global pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, recognizing the country’s expertise and talent.

Key Points:

Pfizer collaborated with Prof. Ido Bachelet’s DNA robot laboratory at Bar-Ilan University in Israel (2015)

The partnership aimed to develop innovative DNA molecules for potential applications in drug delivery, diagnostics, and other areas

This collaboration marked Pfizer’s first cooperative venture with an Israeli higher education institution

Israel’s reputation as a hub for biotech and life sciences innovation was recognized by Pfizer and other global pharmaceutical companies

Liu Jin, President of Bank of China, speaks during the Global Financial Leaders Investment Summit in Hong Kong

Nestle Chairman Bulcke attend the Annual General Meeting of Nestle in Ecublens


An employee opens a freezer containing Pfizer's vaccination against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as he works at SLE, a unit of Teva Pharmaceuticals, near Shoham



Israel trades Pfizer doses for medical data in vaccine blitz | AP News



Israel sharing COVID-19 data with Pfizer to help fine-tune vaccine rollout | Reuters



Israel rolls out Pfizer covid pill, using digital health records to identify those most at risk - American Friends of Sheba Medical Center



Pfizer to collaborate on Israeli professor’s DNA robots | Al Bawaba



Israeli real-world data on Pfizer vaccine shows high Covid protection | Coronavirus | The Guardian



Ampullary Cancer: What Are the Basics - Health Highroad



Pfizer exec calls Israel 'a sort of laboratory' for COVID vaccines | The Times of Israel



Israel trades Pfizer vaccine doses for medical data | PBS News



Pfizer used Israel as “the world’s first laboratory” to study its Covid vaccine’s efficacy, NOT promote safety

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thanks for all this, Greg!

do you mind if I use some of this in future posts? I can give you credit, of course.

People don't seem to wanna go down the rabbit hole on this one...

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Nice article, thanks.

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Sep 9Liked by Eccentrik

They're always telling us about transhumanism (for us, of course, not for them). Is injecting people with nanobots part of the plan?

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nothing would surprise me at this point :/

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Sadly, I'm in the same place as you are.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Eccentrik

.....WELL-presented, sir - made SEVERAL of the SAME points myself on X but, there's a LOT of SNARK and / or cognitive dissonance (with TOO many of those PREDICTABLY resorting to outright CHARACTER ASSASSINATION) - as CONCERNS those posthumously-extracted formations Hirschman first disclosed: George Webb has concluded that they're actually EVIDENCE of ANTHRAX inclusion and, I can potentially CORROBORATE as much (was informed from a TELLINGLY-located online source 2-3 years after he passed, younger bro's procedure at Cedars-Sinai / Los Angeles 26 years ago, INCLUDED the spore's outer shell (ONLY media which can survive blood-brain barrier transit) carrying ol 'SPIKEY' / glycoprotein120, ostensibly to get AT his WIRELESS-goosed (among OTHER insults) brain tumor; did explore feasibility of a wrongful-death lawsuit last year against either individuals R. K. & D. G. of Bioport / Emergent Biosolutions and 'Vical' respectively; FDA (of COURSE) with a law firm out THERE - but, NO way I could afford it ABSENT a percentage contingency upon any award and, while merit of such a case WAS confirmed, they begged off as just being 'too busy' to TAKE it anyhow.....

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WOW always 'too busy' to be bothered, huh? I know they definitely wanna get to our brains (minds), but I hadn't heard that from George Webb and that's crazy about the gp120 and wrongful death :/


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I was pondering the nanotech this morning regarding the presence of a soul and resonance. They take things apart to the smallest pieces they can but yet they can never find the thing that is powering it because it exists outside of the body. Perhaps therein lies the solution. I'm in a national park on a coral reef next to Phuket airport and things have been very alive here. There's a chorus of frogs, birds and insects which is sometimes overwhelming and the coral reef area in front has never been bigger. Are they compensating for something else that is happening in the world? Is the Earth's magnetic field a cause or an effect? What if there are connections beyond the patented wireless ones? Systems that can eventually overcome their billions in experiments meant to override the body's immune responses and hijack them where possible?

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Amy, this is interesting thinking....if you have any more thoughts please share..I'm in my early morning stupor..but you are on to something I feel....important

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Thank you for the comment and yes I do feel that this is important. I've touched on resonance and healing before but only regarding Megahertz frequencies in music and the Earth and whatnot. I'm still trying to wrap my head around what I want to say here as it relates to conscious thought and interconnection.

We've all been trained to see ourselves as these discrete objects fundamentally seperate from the larger world. The scientists clearly have thrown the kitchen sink at efforts at subjugation, depopulation, mind control , hacking the body, snuffing out the soul and whatnot. I'm more amazed they haven't been more successful yet, though I've really been pondering why they would do that to begin with.

But if you step back and look at death as a transition and the sun the earth and the universe as on the same template as the human body, it becomes easier to see why this has been so difficult for them. There's defense systems that they don't even know about, or if they do it explains their desperation to kill and enslave us. If we had a template for conscious access to these things we'd have no need for the powers that shouldn't be...

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Yes….I do think we have souls…or what we call souls…maybe our auras or biofield is the connection…cause you are thinking outside the box and I too started thinking..you are right…they can't find it or touch it yet cause it doesn't reside in us? I know im not saying anything clearly but it's somehow right in some way, what you are thinking…

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No overthinking it. This is deep stuff that requires my brain laser focused to put the pieces together in a coherent way. Thanks for bouncing stuff of with me it helps a lot!

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I am really stupid in the am before I really wake up,,sorry..and incoherent

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I'll just interject with this: early on after the jab rollout, I saw postings all over online about people claiming to have 'lost' their 'connection to God' after getting jabbed.

Also, what's this elite obsession with the Higgs boson?

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Geoff Pain is scorning/shaming the persons that shared the study.

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Yes, I am pleased John Campbell saw sense and voluntarily deleted his video.




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First thank you for sharing your expertise.

I've read your comments in medical and scientific literature and seen your name as either a reference of contributor, you are remarkable in that arena.

I prefer positive reinforcement over corrective criticism.

One thing we all have in common is were all different.

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I am currently an invited reviewer for one journal and my approach is based on hard rules of review. The paper in question would have been rejected by any reputable journal. Do we have the names of the reviewers who passed it?

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I don't.

There are 79 Endnotes on P.H.C website of this,

[4] Toffler Associates. “Bio-Digital Convergence: The Human as Critical Infrastructure?” (2016). https://www.tofflerassociates.com/vanishingpoint/biodigital-convergence-the-human-as-critical-infrastructure

Exploring Biodigital Convergence project team

Marcus Ballinger, Manager

Steffen Christensen, Senior Foresight Analyst

Nicholas Davis, SWIFT Partners Sàrl

Kristel Van der Elst, Director General

Pierre-Olivier DesMarchais, Foresight Analyst

Avalyne Diotte, Foresight Analyst

Eric Ward, Senior Director


Thank you.

I appreciate your time.

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He did the right thing?You on the big pharma payroll yourself?Cholesterol crystals my ass,i think it is you that needs the right education.Either that or a moral compass.Here's one of dozens of videos and websites that say you're wrong,https://www.bitchute.com/video/q7saVFZO3Khz

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I think John Campbell is tier 2 gatekeepers

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DNA Robot Gene Therapy Distinctions

Prof. Ido Bachelet’s laboratory has developed a groundbreaking DNA robot technology that integrates IP addresses, enabling programmed DNA molecules to reach specific locations in the body and perform pre-programmed operations in response to cellular signals. This innovation differs significantly from existing gene therapy approaches in several key aspects:

Programmability: DNA robots with IP addresses can be designed to respond to specific stimuli, such as protein concentrations or cellular signals, allowing for more targeted and controlled gene therapy. In contrast, traditional gene therapy approaches often rely on non-specific mechanisms, such as viral vectors or electroporation, which can lead to off-target effects.

Spatial control: The IP-addressed DNA robots can be programmed to migrate to specific locations within the body, enabling targeted delivery of therapeutic proteins or genes. Existing gene therapy approaches often rely on systemic delivery methods, such as injection or infusion, which can lead to unpredictable and potentially harmful distribution patterns.

Dynamic control: The DNA robots can be designed to change their behavior in response to changing environmental conditions or cellular signals, allowing for adaptive therapy. Traditional gene therapy approaches typically involve a one-time delivery of a therapeutic gene, without the ability to adjust or fine-tune the treatment.

Integration with existing therapies: The DNA robot technology can potentially integrate with existing cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation, to enhance their efficacy and reduce side effects. Existing gene therapy approaches often focus on standalone treatments, rather than combining with other therapies.

Scalability and versatility: The DNA robot technology can be designed to target various diseases and tissues, offering a versatile platform for treating a range of conditions. Existing gene therapy approaches often focus on specific diseases or tissues, limiting their applicability.

In summary, the DNA robot technology with IP addresses developed by Prof. Bachelet’s laboratory represents a significant departure from traditional gene therapy approaches, offering programmable, spatially controlled, dynamically adaptive, and integratable gene therapy solutions.

Prof Ido Bachelet



Recombinant DNA - Wikipedia



DNA Robots | American Friends of Bar-Ilan University



Pfizer partnering with Ido Bachelet on DNA nanorobots | NextBigFuture.com

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The present invention generally relates to nanoscale wires and/or injectable devices. In some embodiments, the present invention is directed to electronic devices that can be injected or inserted into soft matter, such as biological tissue or polymeric matrixes. For example, the device may be passed through a syringe or a needle. In some cases, the device may comprise one or more nanoscale wires. Other components, such as fluids or cells, may also be injected or inserted. In addition, in some cases, the device, after insertion or injection, may be connected to an external electrical circuit, e.g., to a computer. Other embodiments are generally directed to systems and methods of making, using, or promoting such devices, kits involving such devices, and the like.


The inventor worked for Moderna in Wuhan?

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Hao Yan and cancer immunologist Yung Chang at Arizona State University designed an RNA origami vaccine composed of a single strand of RNA that self assembles into a rectangular nanostructure (4).


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I see you mentione Mike Adams. Is that the same Mike Adams whom I heard warn in late 2020 that there were Chinese missles in trucking containers that would open up at the top and fire misskes into US cities?? And the same Mike I heard say that just about all the other conservative journalists were opetating psyops and that he was about the only one trlling the truth about what was occurring in the country?? Maybe you better check him out a bit closer.

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I'm not aware of that, but he could have, mainly just concerned with his ICP-MS results

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That is...missles

Also...telling the truth

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