Can I be the first one to say awww hell no to those vaccines?

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Me # two.

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i did not follow theherd. no way sawit a mileoff

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Very worrisome!

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Thanks, I'm documenting Trump's sellout of his supporters to the murderers at Pfizer et al here:


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gotta hold feet to the fire!

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I actually like Trump and pretty much everything he's doing EXCEPT for his promotion of mRNA poison.

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There will be so many people dying from cancer from the COVID jabs, that they will demand for a "cure" for their illnesses. In comes STARGATE to save them all. They drank the kool-aid once, they will drink it again. The Science.

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Vaccines that give you cancer? we already have at least one of those! ;)

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What the hell is an "AI factory"? Trump says it's where they'll be "making the AI".

Using up so much electricity they will need their own privatized supply and where does anyone think they are going to get this electricity?

What about the public electric infrastructure we've heard for years is falling apart and will not be capable of keeping up with the demands of millions of households across America?

People who worship Trump excuse him for not understanding the "covid vaccines" and that's why he made so many horrendous "errors" in judgment. Does he understand the new "vaccines" he's endorsing any better? Does he care one iota that millions and millions are dead and dying and giving birth to dead babies due to his last "error"?

All people's medical records held by privatized corporations? Like animal inventory at a factory farm? Every scrap of your DNA and you and your children's and grandchildren's entire biometric and medical history owned by corporations. Information that is sold and traded to determine your worth to the corporations. Privacy is entirely dead.

Does anyone believe he understands the 42 EOs he's signing now? What they mean in terms of reality?

Look at who is standing next to him. Corporate heads. America the Corporation.

Corporations are renowned for their compassion and caring. Right?

Trump's "acceptance" speech was horrendous. MANIFEST DESTINY? Mars? "Golden Age"? And worse. The golden calf. That's what we are now.

Unbridled ambition? Pride? And what goes before the fall?

I can't go any further. I look at America and see a horde of teenagers on Spring break drunk on wine coolers and flat beer. Trumper Humpers who will wake up soon, hungover and disoriented and inside the slaughterhouse on the killing floor.

This is the result of man rejecting God. For Trump and Friends. Revolting.

Thanks for the article, Eccentrik. Much appreciated. God Bless.

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just based on my initial impressions/intuitions, the whole thing seems terrible.

on the surface, ppl will just say 'oh but we need to lead the world in AI, it's inevitable' - but with the Oracle, OpenAI and SoftBank guys? really??

and like you say, it basically leads to a complete takeover of personal sovereignty where these corporations can basically own our GMO bodies

reminds me of Operation Warp Speed all over again. For a supposed "stable genius," Trump sure is easy to manipulate through his ego. It took him damn near forever to stop talking about his "beautiful shot" - he wouldn't stop talking about how OWS was 'so fast, nobody has ever reason anything like it, cut through the regulations, a great thing blah blah blah'

now, with "Stargate," it's all just, 'look how big this investment is, nobody could've done this, nobody's ever seen anything like it blah blah blah'

he keeps talking about how many jobs it will create... yea, from cheap H1-B labor? that is, until AI renders us ALL obsolete :/

sorry, but this looks like a transhumanist/exterminist wet dream to me!

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Basically an A/i factory is a monstrous mechanism for anti-privacy and MURDER.

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Pirate, excellent comment. Well put. I just heard the last part of Drumpfs speech and he said he survived an assassination attempt and therefore was saved by God. Yeah no. I think not.

Mike Huggins of Vaccine Reaper Report was all over that fake assassination attempt.

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larry isn't going to let billy be the only tech oligarch rebranding as a health expert. He wants his cut of the vaxx market while there's still plebes to vaxx.

No surprise here.

No surprise either that trump is touting how wonderful he is

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OWS Xs 100. You cannot trust Trump as he is a dunderhead as far as vaccines go. More mRNA injections of any kind equates to more suffering, misery and death. Then again, all this "new" sickness will help the modern medical mafia reap stupendous incomes and revenues. MAHA is a total farce with Stargate.

In truth, the anti-cancer mRNA poison will provide the means for more cancer than ever to evolve and proliferate.. It's an oncologists wet dream times 1,000.

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Thanks for keepn' it real Eccentrik.

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No no no no no HELL NO to all vaccines and they can all go fuck themselves forever!!

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As I watch the end of the video (thank you), I can easily see at least one large reason Trump was maneuvered into the selection for president again.

Each of these billionaires said, "We can't do this without you (Trump)." Indeed.

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I'm surprised his adopted son Elon wasn't standing there

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sigh. Called it. As did Whitney Webb. Avoid all anvils painted like life-preservers.


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Trump fights for America. He doesn’t seem to know that nukes are fake, the moon landing is fake, quantum computers are fake, vaccines are fake. The America he fights for is fake. He’s a mythical creature in a fantastical dream.

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Just a deluded man living inside his head. Instead of reality.

Anyone who can't hear that when he speaks is equally gone.

The dilemma is Trump has the wherewithal to be a deluded danger to billions.

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Nice comment John. You're a poet. But don't tell Diva Drops (Pasheen Stonebrook).

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Yep…I have to admit,this is a worry.

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sv40in theshot now thecure. winwin

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