Jun 21Liked by Eccentrik

Saw a convincing interview btwn a "Dr Mary" & guest who'd determined the clots are high in radioactive cesium 137, wh has also been added to food over the years. Will try to find the link, wish me luck. Upshot had to do with our energy then being harvested with help of 5G. Said it was the actual mining of bitcoin. Examples of tech already being used subversively in that manner included fit bits and many more.

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Jun 21Liked by Eccentrik

Amazing, found it! They call them ELECTRICAL PARASITES. https://rumble.com/v4vumek-is-the-government-harvesting-your-body-energy.html

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I'll check this out - thanks!

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I'm sure Satanists want nothing more than to lower our vibrations and feed on negative energy

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This was criminal. Anyway you look at it. And it was done under the auspices of the dod and the hhs and the highest levels of our government.

Burn it all down

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I have a theory that so many athletes have issues on the field is because they're the type who take protein supplements, so they're just feeding the system that the vax warped and it's creating these clots on overdrive.

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Every health agency swore 3 ways to Sunday that the jabs were safe. And then they pulled the J&J and AstraZeneca off the market because of blood clots…. And finally AstraZeneca was gone for good because it wasn’t safe.

Omicron blew effective out of the water and most jabbed people got Covid anyway.

And yet the health agencies are still saying safe and effective and the covidiots still believe it. The evidence is right in front of them and still they deny how deadly they are. Will they ever wake up?

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