Collins, in emails with Fauci, ordered the "take-down" of the 3 wisdom-filled doctors who authored the Great Barrington Declaration.

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I like the sound of that!

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A scientist who believes the Covid vaccine is effective for elders believes in “scientism”and is not a true scientist but a shill for the government - meet Dr. B professor of economics of health care at Stanford- cull the elderly with poison the beliefs of a smooth talking, unctuous man who has no right to be head of NIH. This man is not what we need.

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yea I saw that, and certainly not good, but I'm sorta operating from 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' point of view.

this guy was abhorred by fauci & collins, targeted by twitter for 'misinformation' and talking about covid bs earlier than any other of trump's picks from what I can see

also, coming from stanford where everybody cucked to the 'safe & effective,' he managed to still be outspoken about lockdowns and jab mandates and probly knows the 'trust the science' types inside and out

trust me, I'd love to have a guy/gal atop NIH that was calling the shots a bioweapon from day one, but would they ever get confirmed?

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You are promoting an insider to bring about radical change - I believe this Dr. B is a deep state supporter and will maintain the status quo. He is so smooth most people will buy his script as truth and more people will die on the altar of lies. Remember Trump is part of the deep state his whole cabinet is made up of Zionist warmongers, genicidal madmen- Covid vaccine was a bio weapon perpetrated on the entire world brought to all by the DoD- planned democide of American citizens and still being perpetrated on us as I write this - the culling of the population is not over- bring on the velvet glove via Dr. B for the next round.

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Remember misinformation, disinformation appears on many platforms to seduce us in to thinking what the propagandists want us to think. Greatest propagandists in this culture are experts, twitter and planted controlled opposition- all institutions sold out long ago. Trump is Biden, Biden is Trump there is only one party - deep state oligarchs are running these Un United states.

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An excellent choice, despite what the naysayers will surely carry on about.

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NYT claims he's tied to peter theil. Don't know, but if true, may not be so good. theil is very much influencing trump's team already and he is an enemy of the people.

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Nov 28Edited

Time to rethink this asshole and trust in trump. Watch the linked video from 51:00


It was recorded a while ago and people change their positions as they learn more about any subject, but someone that is going to head NIH with all the implications of what that means, especially under trump (who on 11/22/2024 is still bragging about warp speed), cannot be afforded that leeway.

He was vaxxed. He believed in the vaxx for the elderly. He is not representative of all of us, who without his education KNEW the vaxx was a hoax. Mike Yeadon and Sucharit Bhakdi (probably others too) have explained how a shot in the arm CANNOT affect a respiratory virus - besides it being a phony vaxx. This dipshit doctor bhattacharya didn't know that yet he's worthy of driving NIH under a president that's proud of the vaxx? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Sounds like this shithead + trump means the next plandemic is just around the corner, especially with the WHO making strides on their treaty.

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I'm afraid Pfizer is going to use some fraction of that $100 billion it raked in by killing people with the jab to bribe a few more senators to block Bhattacharya's appointment.

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oh I'm sure they are, I wonder if there's backdoor deals, given some of Trump's other less-than-stellar picks... it's definitely gonna be quite the battle!

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You can absolutely bet that there are back door deals being made. We know that for a fact. That’s all they do in Congress.

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